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Emergency Preparedness for Community Health Workers

Emergency preparedness saves lives. Community Health Workers (CHWs) can prepare for emergencies by understanding the needs of people of higher risk during a public health disaster, collaborating with others and creating a disaster communication plan. If you're looking to supplement your CHW training, please follow this link to learn how CHWs can take an active role in disaster response and recovery in their communities.

Upon completion of this certificate, learners will be able to:

  • Identify the core principles of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (PHEPR) and PHEPR science

  • Describe the role of CHWs in preparing for and responding to public health emergencies

  • Create a community asset map to document existing community resources

  • Identify strategies for supporting older adults and individuals with limited mobility or functional needs during disasters

  • Identify factors that contribute to vulnerability to disasters when conducting outreach to underserved populations

  • Apply evidence-informed strategies to promote CHW self-care during public health emergencies

Share this information with your network and encourage them to enroll as there are no fees charged for CDC's activities.


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